Clara Ibañez Fiorillo

Curriculum Vitae



Bachelor of Law, University of Alicante (1997).

Patents and Technology Transfer Module Magister Lucentinus (University of Alicante) (2008).

Copyright and Information Technology Module (2010)

Trade Marks, Designs and Unfair Competition Module (2011)

Trade mark formalities course at ITMA (Institute of Trade Mark Attorneys, London (United Kingdom), (2005).

Grant for research at Trinity College Dublin, Ireland: “The Intellectual Property from a financial point of view” (06/2002 -12/2002).

Trainee at the OHIM 1st board of appeal Alicante (09/2001-03/2002).

Training at the Industrial Minister, Italian Patent and Trade Mark Office and Notarbartolo & Gervasi, IP Agents, Rome, Italy (2001).

Grant for research on Intellectual Property matters at the European Commission libraries, Brussels, Belgium (2000).

Expert in Law and Economy of the European Community, II Università degli Study di Napoli (1998-2000). Thesis: The Italian Trademark and the Community Trademark as object of property and their law disposals: franchising, merchandising and other contracts.

"School of Legal Practice" of the Association of Lawyers of Alicante (1997-1998) .


Professional Experience:

Legal advisor of the Project UAIPIT.COM, University of Alicante (2007- Until now).

Collaboration with the Intellectual Property Office, Murcia, Spain (2006).

Legal assistant and assistant management, Klos, Morel, Vos & Schaap, Lawyers and IP Agents in Holland and Alicante (2006).

Member of the legal team IPR-Helpdesk Project University of Alicante (2005-2006).

Liaison Meeting Coordinator at OHIM (2005).

Legal assistant of the head of the Trade Mark Department Irish Patent Office, Kilkenny, Ireland (2004).

Legal advisor at Dillon Eustace Solicitors (Lawyer Dublin, Tokyo and Boston) (2003-2004).

Researcher at MacLachlan & Donaldson (IP Agents, Dublin, Ireland) (2002).


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Portail juridique: sur marque, brevet , droit, infractions au code pénal , le droit , le droit international , la propriété intellectuelle , la propriété industrielle, mediation
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