Liens concernant : 1. Droit de la propriété intellectuelle et industrielle, droit de la société de l'information
Liens concernant : 2. Résolution des différends internationaux (Droit international privé)
News and Cyberlaw, Information and Cyberlaw Project, University Complutense of Madrid, Spain Español Deutch
Various articles and commentaries about intellectual and industrial property and new information technologies (telecommunications, digital signature). Updated to December 2001.
Cyber-journal on Intellectual Property, University of la Rioja, Spain Español Deutch
Articles on copyright and legal protection of databases, interesting summaries of Spanish works on copyright and new technologies and references to articles on intellectual and industrial property published in the Revista de Propiedad Intelectual, Actas de Derecho Industrial and the Revista General del Derecho.
The UCLA University (USA) On-Line Institute for Cyberspace Law Español Deutch
From the University of California, Los Angeles, USA. An interesting collection of legislation, caselaw, and articles on cyberspace law, mainly of the USA.
Berkeley Technology Law Journal, University of California, Berkeley Español Deutch
Student-run publication that cover emerging issues of law in the areas of intellectual property, high-tech and biotech.
Boston University (USA) Journal of Science and Technology Law Español Deutch
From Boston University, USA. Many articles, from 1995 to present. Requires Adobe Acrobat to view.
Center of Computing Research and Law (CRID) Español Deutch
Research works and articles specialized in various aspects of intellectual and industrial property and information society: electronic commerce, digital signature, data protection and privacy protection and telecommunications. Español Deutch
The page belongs to the private law firm of and contains articles on various aspects related to information society: e-commerce, digital signature, data protection, and spam.
Expert Studies for WIPO/OMPI Español Deutch
Published by WIPO/OMPI. Various free digital publications of works by experts on intellectual property, e-commerce, trademarks, designs and industrial models, patents, arbitration and mediation, appellations of origin, and copyright.
Jurimetrics Journal Español Deutch
Jurimetrics is the quarterly journal of the American Bar Association Section of Science and Technology Law and the Center for the Study of Law, Science, and Technology of the Arizona State University College of Law. It contains specialized articles on various aspects of information society. To gain access, click "Law, Science & Technology" on the main page. Free access to summaries and cites, but not content, are available on line.
Web Site of Spanish Law Español Deutch
PORTICOLEGAL.COM is a free website for law professionals, businesses, and private citizens. 6,000 links related to the law, the practice of law, and other related professions. Magazines specializing in information society law and intellectual and industrial property law.
Journal of the Data Protection Agency for the Community of Madrid Español Deutch
Publishes expert opinions on data protection. Contains commentaries on e-administration and document security.
Journal of WIPO Español Deutch
Published by OMPI/WIPO. Various free digital publications on intellectual property, e-commerce, trademarks, designs and industrial models, patents, arbitration and mediation, appellations of origin and copyright.
Marcasur (Legal Web Portal) Español Deutch
Legal web portal. In the Link section, there are links to on-line publications on different aspects of intellectual property and industrial property law.
Monographs (Web Portal for Publication of Monographs) Español Deutch
Web portal for the publication of monographs. In the Law section are monographs on intellectual property, industrial property and information society. Includes word-based search engine.
Kluwer Law International Journals On-line Español Deutch
Contains more than 50 legal prestigious legal journals from Europe, North America and Asia on a range of topics. Among them, some specialize in information society such as the Electronic Communication Law Review. Pay required to access certain parts of the site.
Legal News (Law Web Portal) Español Deutch
Publisher by the Civil Law Departament of the University of La Rioja. Law web portal that contains articles on information society, especially about secrecy in electronic communications, e-commerce, e-signatures, domain names and intellectual property protection on the Internet
Internet Law Library of the Web Portal Legal Forms Español Deutch
A legal internet library that contains commentaries, legislation, and caslaw on internet law, cyber-law, e-commerce, domain names, copyright and trademarks. It is also accesible from
Computer Law Review & Technology Journal Español Deutch
From Southern Methodist University, USA. Articles from 1997 to present.
Legal Web Site Informática-Jurí Español Deutch
Web site specializing in computer law. In the " Trabajos" section (Research Papers) are commentaries on e-commerce, computer crime, copyright, domains names, data protection, and work and new technologies.
SCRIPT-ed, Journal of Law and Technology. Español Deutch
SCRIPT-ed is an online, international, interdisciplinary and multi-lingual forum for articles, reports, commentaries, analysis, case and legislation critiques, and book reviews pertaining to law and technologies in the broadest sense.
Harvard University (USA) Journal of Law and Technology Español Deutch
Many articles from 1988 to present.
University of Florida (USA) Journal of Technology Law & Policy Español Deutch
Many articles from 1996 to the present.
University of Richmond (USA) Journal of Law & Technology Español Deutch
Many articles from 1995 to the present.
University of California, Los Angeles Journal of Law and Technology Español Deutch
Many articles from 1997 to the present.
Virginia (USA) Journal of Law and Technology Español Deutch
Many articles from 1997 to the present.
University of Warwick (U.K.) Journal of Information Law and Technology Español Deutch
Articles from 1996 to present.
Copyright and Fair Use. Español Deutch
This website is specialized in Copyrights. In the “Commentaries and Analyses” section they are periodically publish some articles about Copyrights and Fair Use.
Private Law Review, Law School of the University of the Andes, Bogotá, Colombia Español Deutch
Under "Publicaciones" on the home page, one can access to this magazine with the complete text of the articles.
Private Law Review, Virtual Law Library, Legal Research Institute of the National University of México Español Deutch
It offers the text of articles published from 2002 to the present.
Institute for Private International Law and Civil Procedure (Univ. of Berne, Switzerland) Español Deutch
The site has basic information on the institution and many interesting links. (In German.)
Iberoamerican Arbitration Review Español Deutch
A site hosted by the law offices of the Peruvian firm Chabaneix and Associates. National arbitration laws from varios countries as well as a database. Free subscription.
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