Vanessa Campos

Curriculum Vitae



Bachelor of Law, University of Almería (1998).

"School of Legal Practice" of the Association of Lawyers of Almería, Spain (1999).

Master Degree in Marketing and Multimedia Communication, IEDE, Madrid (2002).

Course on Intellectual Property, WIPO Worldwide Academy, Geneva, Switzerland (2003).

Master of Intellectual Property and Information Society Law (Magister Lvcentinvs), University of Alicante (2005).

Industrial Property Specialist


Professional Experience:

Law Office "López, Belando y Cuadrado, Asociados", Almería (1998-2000).

World Health Organization - WHO, Geneva, Switzerland (2000-2004).

Office for the Harmonization of the Internal Market (Trademarks and Industrial Designs) – OHIM, Alicante (2005-2006).

Researcher of the Project UAIPIT.COM, University of Alicante (2006-2007).


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Portail juridique: sur marque, brevet , droit, infractions au code pénal , le droit , le droit international , la propriété intellectuelle , la propriété industrielle, mediation
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