Universidad de Washington CASRIP y Proyecto UAIPIT Presentan el Transnational IP Program en Alicante
21-24 Marzo 2016
Proyecto UAIPIT (Universidad de Alicante), el Centro de Investigación y de Estudios Avanzados de Propiedad Intelectual (CASRPI) de la Facultad de Derecho de la Universidad de Washington, la Facultad de Derecho de Queen Mary University of London, Technical University de Dresden, Roma Tre University y el Centro de Estudios y Servicios legales de Propiedad Intelectual (CEIPI), organizan un Seminario anual sobre la protección de patentes, marcas, y derechos de autor, incluyendo asuntos como la protección legal de software y del llamado “trade dress” así como la negociación de las licencias. Este seminario reunirá a profesores, profesionales, y jueces de diferentes países, especialmente de Alemania, Italia, Estados Unidos de América y Francia.
Proyecto UAIPIT (Universidad de Alicante), el Centro de Investigación y de Estudios Avanzados de Propiedad Intelectual (CASRPI) de la Facultad de Derecho de la Universidad de Washington, la Facultad de Derecho de Queen Mary University of London, Technical University de Dresden, Roma Tre University y el Centro de Estudios y Servicios legales de Propiedad Intelectual (CEIPI), organizan un Seminario anual sobre la protección de patentes, marcas, y derechos de autor, incluyendo asuntos como la protección legal de software y del llamado “trade dress” así como la negociación de las licencias. Este seminario reunirá a profesores, profesionales, y jueces de diferentes países, especialmente de Alemania, Italia, Estados Unidos de América y Francia.
Intellectual property students from the University of Washington and its European partner schools will convene in Dresden, Germany, to attend the Transnational Seminar on patent, trademark and copyright protection, including topics such as legal protection for software, trade dress protection, and license negotiation. The program is co-hosted by the Center for Advanced Study and Research on Intellectual Property (CASRIP) of the University of Washington School of Law and the University of Technology of Dresden, Germany.
Intellectual property students from the University of Washington and its European partner schools will convene in London, UK to attend the Transnational Seminar on patent, trademark and copyright protection, including topics such as legal protection for software, trade dress protection, and license negotiation. The program is co-hosted by the Center for Advanced Study and Research on Intellectual Property (CASRIP) of the University of Washington School of Law and Queen Mary School of Law, University of London, UK.
Intellectual property students from the University of Washington and its European partner schools will convene in Rome, Italy to attend the Transnational Seminar on patent, trademark and copyright protection, including topics such as legal protection for software, trade dress protection, and license negotiation. The program is co-hosted by the Center for Advanced Study and Research on Intellectual Property (CASRIP) of the University of Washington School of Law and the University of Rome Tre, Rome, Italy.
University of Washington, CASRIP Director:
Toshiko Takenaka
UAIPIT Director:
Lydia Esteve
Student Communication and Clerical Support:
Signe B. Naeve
Kris Lee
Clara Ibanez
Nuria Martinez
Registration Conference: should be made by payment to the CAM, into account number:
2090 / 3191 / 12 / 0200033331
To confirm your booking registration, please complete the form with your details and forward your payment receipt to Fax No. +34 965909369 indicating your participation in the conference or e-mail to: uaipit@ua.es
Conference Registration Fee:
Participation €60
Undergraduate Students of the University of Alicante: €20
AAA Magister Lvcentinvs Members: €30
Students of the Magister Lvcentinvs and International Trade Masters: Free Registration
The fee includes materials, attendance certificate, coffee and refreshments at the end of the conference.
For further information, please check: www.uaipit.com or contact uaipit@ua.es
Tel. +34 965909609
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