Transnational IP Seminar 2013


The 2013 edition of the already traditional “Transnational IP Seminar” was hosted by the Centre for Commercial Law Studies, Queen Mary University of London School of Law, with the usual cooperation of CASRIP-Washington University, Technical University of Dresden, UAIPIT - University of Alicante, Roma Tre University, and Centre for International Studies in Intellectual Property of the Strasbourg University and the Host institution, Queen Mary University of London.

This year participants were approximately 36 students coming from the different universities mentioned above. The seminar also brought together professors, professionals and judges from United States of America, Germany, The Netherlands and United Kingdom: Professor Spyros Maniatis (Queen Mary), Professor Gail Evans (Queen Mary), Professor Toshiko Takenada (Washington), Honorable Chief Judge Randall Rader (U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit), Judge Dr. Klaus Grabinski (Federal Supreme Court of Germany) and Honorable Judge Mr Justice Arnold (High Court England And Wales.)

The seminar focused on the issue of patent litigation when a patent has been declared essential to a standard, especially in the field of telecommunications, and the compliance of the well known FRAND terms (Fair, Reasonable and Non-discriminatory) when setting the royalty for a license. Among the activities programmed in the seminar, it is to be highlighted the opportunity of assisting to several conferences, various Mock Trials (U.S., German and U.K Law) and a exercise on negotiating license agreements, all within a four-day period, from March, 25 to 28, 2013.

For the first time, the seminar included a Mock Trial under U.K. Law, resulted in an excellent experience and a splendid intervention of the Honorable Judge Mr. Justice Arnold. The Seminar closing consisted of a farewell party where participants received their certificates and the hosting university showed great hospitality.

Written by Sandra L. Batres Guerra

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