The University Autonoma of Barcelona has to pay for copyright infringement


On March 25 of 2012 CEDRO, the Spanish management entity for copyright and Intellectual Property rights of authors and publishers, filed a lawsuit against the University Autonoma of Barcelona (hereinafter UAB) claiming an eventual copyright infringement by making available total and partial copies to students without the previous authorization required under current legislation.     

As a consequence of the claim, the UAB has been recently condemned for “a conduct infringing Intellectual Property rights”. According to the ruling of the Commercial Court No 2 of Barcelona, such conduct took place with the illegal dissemination of works protected by Copyright, by means of the virtual campus platform. 

Therefore, the judge has sentenced the university “to immediately cease and refrain to use in the future any action of scanning or digitalizing, reproduction and public communication through its digital platforms, virtual teaching media or intranets which may affect the Intellectual Property rights of CEDRO’s repertoire.”

Likewise, the ruling establishes an obligation for UAB to “remove within not more than 15 days all the files and digital contents included in its virtual campus or equivalent communication network, containing total or partial intellectual works from the CEDRO’s repertoire, and which have been made available to students without the authorization of CEDRO and/or the owners of such rights”. The decision also orders the defendant to pay for damages.

Written by Antonio Torres

Image: Tkgd2007 under creative commons license

Source: (06/05/2013)

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