ELSA Alicante is now a reality


Thanks to the work of a students group from the Law Faculty of the University of Alicante, including Alejandro García Manic, Athena Poysky, Antonio Torres Fernández, who are members of the UAIPIT Team, on the Europe Day, May 9th, the European Law Students Association was established in Alicante, as “ELSA Alicante”. A week later, on May 16th, this association has been officially recognized as part of the net ELSA Europe.

Its main objective is helping Law students and young lawyers to participate in internship programmes and access to practice in various institutions and firms across Europe.

ELSA is a European association which develops its activities through its local groups, distributed in approximately 200 universities throughout 41 European countries.  Now, the University of Alicante has a local headquarters which will facilitate students and young lawyers a preparation for working life.

The admission of ELSA Alicante as a part of ELSA Europe will provide its associates an opportunity of travelling, getting to know different legal systems, improving  language skills, and undertaking traineeships in different European countries.

For those interested in joining this initiative, further information is offered at its Blog “ELSA Alicante” and its profile in Facebook.

Written by Antonio Torres and Athena Poysky

Image: ELSA Alicante

News item published in Diario Informacion

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