Twitter acquires IBM patents to avoid legal problems


On November 13th, news emerged that Twitter was being sued by the multinational American corporation specialized in technology, IBM (International Business Machine) for the use of three patents. However, on the 31st of January, 2014, Twitter surprised IBM by offering to sign a license agreement with them to avoid legal disputes.   

The legal director of Twitter, Ben Lee, affirmed that “the acquisition of the IBM patents and the license agreement will provide us with greater intellectual property protection and will give us the freedom to innovate on behalf of those who use our services”.  Furthermore, the General Manager of IBM Intellectual Property, Ken King, also alleged that they were “very happy” with this new alliance and expected a “productive relationship in the future with Twitter”.

This agreement is, without a doubt, positive for both entities, as shown in their benefits with a 2.75% increase in Twitter stock and a 0.05% in IBM stock.

This is not the only case in which IBM, owner of approximately 41.000 patents, has sold patents to Internet companies in these past years. In 2010, IBM sold 1000 patents to Google, and 750 to Facebook in 2012.  

Written by María Ángeles Manso Aracil


Image: Andreas Eldh under Creative Commons license (CC BY 2.0)

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Portail juridique: sur marque, brevet , droit, infractions au code pénal , le droit , le droit international , la propriété intellectuelle , la propriété industrielle, mediation
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