Workshop on Mediation in intercultural contexts


The Workshop on Mediation in intercultural contexts will take place in the Rectorship Building’s Multimedia Room of University of Alicante on the 20th of May. This workshop is recognised with one credit (CECLEC).

The morning session will start with the workshop’s presentation that will be given by Lydia Esteve González, Professor of the International Private Law of University of Alicante and Director of UAIPIT. Immediately afterwards, Emma Sancho Alberola, President of the Association of Mediators of Alicante, intercultural mediator, social worker and sociologist, will talk about “Intercultural Mediation as a preventive, management and resolution of the conflicts tool”. Also, Albert Mora, Doctor in Sociology and professor of the Department of Sociology and Social Anthropology of University of Valencia, will talk about “Analysis and treatment of the cultural diversity”.

The afternoon session will begin with “The Intercultural Mediation in the Community of Valencia and the Intercultural Mediator Registry” given by Margarita Oliver Castelló, B.A. in Psychology, General Integration and Cooperation Service Directorate of the Generalitat Valenciana. After Sandra Souto Parrados, intercultural mediator, B.A. in Law and Secretary of the Intercultural Association Midrashic in Gandia, will talk about about the “Practical approach to the role of intercultural mediators”.

Finally, Mónica Rodríguez Martínez, intercultural mediator and psychologist, together with  Emma Sancho Alberola, intercultural mediator and President of the Association of Mediators of Alicante, will talk about “The Mediation in intercultural and international contexts: the inter-disciplinary aspects, the intercultural communication, the coaching technics and the resolution of a case study: role playing”.

Here you will be able to consult the workshop’s programme and application form.

The registration’s closing date is: the 19th of May.

Written by: Esmira Abdullaeva



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