The Korean Intellectual Property Office (KIPO) the KIIP Institute and some of the best Korean students visit the UAIPIT Project of the University of Alicante

On November 5, an international meeting between the UAIPIT project, the Korean Intellectual Property Office (KIPO), and the Korean Institute of Intellectual Property (KIIP) took place at the University of Alicante due to the celebration of the 9th Korean Intellectual Property Paper Competition for Undergraduates and Graduates.

This meeting was a result of a productive and educational tour for the winners of the 9th Korean Intellectual Property Paper Competition for Undergraduates and Graduates along with delegates from the Korean Intellectual Property Office (KIPO), Moungsoon Kang, and the Korean Institute of Intellectual Property (KIIP), Eunjung Lee, throughout Europe to learn and exchange experiences with the most important intellectual property institutions of the European Union.

During their visit to Spain, and after their meeting with the Office for Harmonisation in the Internal Market (OHIM), the University of Alicante had the honor to receive the participants, due to the fact that it offers an institution of reference worldwide in the IP scope for the high quality postgraduate education (Magister Lvcentinvs) and the UAIPIT project, which awakened the interest of the Korean specialists. 

The meeting was very enriching for all of the assistants, as well as a great opportunity to create a stronger b

ond between the institutions participants in the session.  During the reunion the two IP research and protection projects developed within the University of Alicante, OTRI and OGPI were presented, as well as the most important facilities of the University.  This first meeting was then finalized with master lectures from the professor Manuel Desantes Real, Head of the International Private Law Department of the University of Alicante, and the professor of International Private Law, and Director of the UAIPIT project, Lydia Esteve González.  Both professors encouraged the students and the KIPO and KIIP delegates to create a path of collaboration and mutual exchange of knowledge in Intellectual property protection matter. 

We hope to celebrate the second meeting soon. 

Written by: Athena Poysky y Antonio Torres


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