Acuerdo para proteger los derechos de propiedad intelectual en Internet


As a sign of their common commitment in the defense and protection of intellectual property rights on the Internet, the Spanish Association of Advertisers, the Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) Spain and the Association of Media Agencies, have signed a cooperation agreement. This agreement has had the support of the Secretary of State for Telecommunications and Information Society (SETSI), under the Ministry of Industry, Energy and Tourism.

The parties that signed the agreement, as entities involved in the sale of digital advertising, have promoted this agreement with the idea of protecting the integrity of digital advertising and avoid, thus, the advertising of web pages with content or services that are declared illegal. Although the parties are aware of the complexity that such protection involves in a dynamic and globalized environment, it is an important initiative that helps the protection of intellectual property rights in the cyber realm.

This cooperation agreement based on self-regulation has as its main principles as listed below:

The parties agreed to a proper use and protection of intellectual property rights. They also continue to work to encourage and promote, through advertising, the development of a range of legal, attractive and appropriate content as the society in the digital environment content demands.

They agreed to the adoption of principles for good practices and communication of its content to give maximum dissemination and wider respect for them by few others involved in the process of sale and distribution of Internet advertising.

They also agreed to consider contrary to the treaty the distribution of digital media advertising in which the applicable law is violated, injuring property or rights of third parties liable for compensation.

Finally they agreed to mutual collaboration with the competent authorities to prevent the insertion of advertising on websites that, by judicial or administrative declaration, violate applicable law on intellectual property

Written by UAIPIT Team

Image: MusesTouch - digiArt & design under Creative Commons license (CC BY 2.0)


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Portail juridique: sur marque, brevet , droit, infractions au code pénal , le droit , le droit international , la propriété intellectuelle , la propriété industrielle, mediation
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