The European Parliament approves the Copyright proposal


Last 11 September, the European Parliament approved the Proposed Copyright Directive, after it was was rejected by the European Parliament last 5 July, focusing on the controversial Articles 11 and 13. MEPs approved it in this second vote with 438 votes in favour, 226 against and 39 abstentions.

Axel Voss, promoter of the proposal, declared that the aim of the reform is “to protect creators with more guarantees and fair remuneration against Internet giants, who benefit from the dissemination of their works”. While Julia Reda, understands that “it is a hard blow to the free and open Internet,... where corporate profits are being put on freedom of expression and abandoning the old principles that made the Internet what it is today”.

If it becomes a Directive, it will be binding for the 28 Member States of the European Union, replacing the current Community legislation, in force since 2001.

In October and November, the text will be negotiated between the European Parliament, the Commission and the European Council and in December, the agreement reached will be presented and submitted to the voting of the Committee on Legal Affairs. Finally, in January 2019, a new voting will take place in the European Parliament, where if adopted, the Proposal will eventually become a Directive.


Written by: Cristina García Alzina




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