With this new initiative, "UAIPIT International Congresses: Intellectual Property, Information Technology and Conflict Resolution", the UAIPIT Project organizes annual conferences on IP protection, recent developments, and analysis and debate on crucial issues. The Congresses are unique and quality forums where experts discuss current affairs and perspectives on future IP protection and Information Technology topics. UAIPIT International Congresses are accessible forums for those persons interested in the protection of IP and IT.
UAIPIT wants to thank all the people and institutions that have made these Congresses possible, and for the great reception that the UAIPIT International Congresses have had among experts, professionals and persons interested in the study of IP. In particular, UAIPIT is thankful for the support of the European Patent Office (EPO) and the Academy of the EPO, the OHIM, the SPTO, of the UNESCO, the CAM, the Magister Lvcentinus and its Association of Students, the General Foundation of the University of Alicante, and the University of Alicante.
In each UAIPIT International Congress, an outstanding person, in gratitude for his or her contribution to Intellectual Property Protection and support for the UAIPIT Project, will receive the UAIPIT Distinction and will be appointed as a Member of Honor of the UAIPIT Project.
At the Official Closing Ceremony of the 1st UAIPIT International Congress, Dr. Manuel Desantes Real, Professor and Head of the Private International Law Department (University of Alicante) and Ex-Vice President of the EPO, was recognized with the first UAIPIT Distinction of Honor, in gratitude for his leadership.
At the Official Closing Ceremony of the 2nd UAIPIT International Congress the UAIPIT Distinction was awarded to Alberto Casado Cerviño, Director General of the Spanish Patent and Trade Mark Office, for his contribution to Intellectual Property protection.
At the Official Closing Ceremony of the 3rd UAIPIT International Congress, coinciding with the Official Opening of the Magister Lvcentinvs 18th Edition (Academic year 2011 - 2012), UAIPIT awarded its Distinction to Paul Maier, President of the OHIM Boards of Appeal, for his contribution to Intellectual Property protection and his support for the UAIPIT Project.
At the Official Closing Ceremony of the 4th UAIPIT International Congress the UAIPIT Distinction was awarded to Jean-Michel ZILLIOX, Director of IP Practice at the European Patent Office Academy, for his contribution to Intellectual Property protection and his support for the UAIPIT Project.
At the Official Closing Ceremony of the 5th UAIPIT International Congress the UAIPIT Distinction was awarded to Ignacio DE CASTRO, Deputy Director of WIPO Arbitration and Mediation Center, for his contribution to Intellectual Property protection and mediation.
At the Official Closing Ceremony of the 6th UAIPIT International Congress the UAIPIT Distinction was awarded to Theóphile MARGELLOS, Chairperson of the First and Third Board of Appeal of the European Union Trade mark Office (Trade marks and Designs) (EUIPO), for his contribution to Intellectual Property protection and his support for the UAIPIT Project.
Do You want to propose somebody for the Uaipit Distinction?
Objectives of the UAIPIT International Congresses |
Publications and presentations at UAIPIT Congresses |
Mr. Richard A. Mac Bride , Attorney at Law, Executive Director www.UAIPIT.com
Clara Ibáñez Fiorillo , Legal advisor and researcher www.UAIPIT.com
Sra. Dña. Nuria Martínez Soriano , Legal advisor and researcher www.UAIPIT.com
Jean-Michel Zilliox , Director of the European Patent Office Academy
Manuel Desantes Real , Professor and Head of the Private International Law Department (University of Alicante) and Ex-Vice President of the European Patent Office (EPO)
Miguel Hidalgo Llamas , Legal and European & PCT Patent Division (SPTO)
Mr. PascualSegura Cámara , Director of the Patents Centre (University of Barcelona)
Lydia Esteve ,Tenured Professor of Private International Law (University of Alicante) and Academic Director www.UAIPIT.com Project
Manuel Morán García , Tenured Professor of Private International Law (University of Alicante)
Aurelio López-Tarruella , Professor of Private International Law (University of Alicante)
Eli Salis , Attorney at Law, Landwell- PricewaterhouseCoopers, Alicante
Luis Antonio Soler Pascual , Judge of the Community Trade Mark Court of Appeal
Julio Laporta Insa , Trade Mark Department, Office of Harmonization for the Internal Market (OHIM)
Fernando López de Rego , Fourth Board of Appeal (OHIM)
Articles will be accepted (minimum 7 pages) to be published in UAIPIT for which an ISBN number will be assigned (more information)
Your contribution to the I International Uaipit Congress 2009 should be sent to uaipit@ua.es before April 27th, 2009 for its consideration and later publication. If you want to contribute to the II Uaipit International Congress 2010, please send us your comment before December 1st, 2009. Thank you for your collaboration
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