GAT, Solvay, and the Centralization of Patent Litigation in Europe


Marketa Trimble, Professor of the William S. Boyd School of Law (University of Nevada), has published an excellent article regarding the recent judgment of the Court of Justice of the European Union in Solvay v. Honeywell. The article focuses on the potential impact of such decision on the possibility of concentrating the litigation of multiple countries’ patents in a single national court. In particular, the author analyzes whether this judgment could be extended to cover the assessments of validity that German courts conduct in infringement proceedings. Marketa Trimble, Professor of the William S. Boyd School of Law (University of Nevada), has published an excellent article regarding the recent judgment of the Court of Justice of the European Union in Solvay v. Honeywell. The article focuses on the potential impact of such decision on the possibility of concentrating the litigation of multiple countries’ patents in a single national court. In particular, the author analyzes whether this judgment could be extended to cover the assessments of validity that German courts conduct in infringement proceedings. 

This article is available to anyone for free download at the Social Science Research Network Website:

Written by Nuria Martínez


Image: UNLV Law Blog

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