Public consultation about Copyright in the EU


The European Commission has launched a public consultation about EU Copyright rules in which citizens and public or private institutions can participate. This consultation aims to adapt and modernise these rights to the current Information Technologies challenges, gathering stakeholders’ views about harmonisation, limitations and exceptions to copyright on the Internet or how to improve copyright rules’ efficacy and effectiveness. This new initiative follows the line initiated by the project “Licenses for Europe”.

Internal Market and Services Comissioner, Michel Barnier, pointed out that this update of copyright legislation needs to be faced “in a modern and effective way”, taking into account that copyright is a “tool that supports creation and innovation”. In this context, Barnier underlined that “copyright encourages investment and strengthens cultural diversity”.

The consultation is open until 5 February 2014. For any further information about the process and to submit your opinion or contribution, please click the link bellow.

Written by Elena Gutiérrez



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