A new mediation service is created in order to solve the conflicts in the “Fallas”


The famous “Fallas”, a traditional festival that will take place from 15th to 19th of May, characterised by its “Cremá” (the “Burning”), fireworks and humorous and critical monuments, generate displeasure caused by the smells, burns and noises.


Therefore, “Alternativa GC”, a company specialized in mediation, that is aware of the problems caused during this period, has decided to provide a specialized service in order to solve the potential disputes between companies and private individuals. Also, it covers the intercultural mediation in relation to the possible conflicts that might be caused by a falla with religious themes. In fact, it is not the first time that a falla has been an object of criticism because of this: it happened with a falla that contained Indian themes in 2013.

Judicial procedures and administrative sanctions have proved insufficient to solve this kind of disputes. For this reason, Teresa Mayordomo, one of the company’s founders, insists on the need to create a “realistic agreement”, where the solution is designed by the parties involved. Also, she asserts that “the level of the compliance is higher because it is easier to fulfil these conditions rather than the conditions imposed from above.

During the festival this mediation service is not of a temporary nature, since it is implanted looking ahead to the future, thereby generating a triple “saving” that mediation entails in the economic, temporal and emotional distress scopes. 


Written by: Elena Gutierrez and Alejandra Rosero.

Source:  http://economia.elpais.com/economia/2014/03/02/agencias/1393758398_550146.html

Image: Ben K, under Creative Commons licence (CC BY 2.0)

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