The libraries will have to pay royalties for each user and book loan


From January 1, 2016 on, those responsible of the libraries will have to pay royalties to compensate the authors for their works.  This decision was made by the Spanish Government, responding to a European Directive from 2006, which was being avoided until this august (Directive 2006/115/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 12 December 2006 on rental right and lending right and on certain rights related to copyright in the field of intellectual property).  All public libraries or non-profit book loan points will have to pay compensation to the authors, depending on the number of loans and active members that each center has.

There are a series of exceptions which will reduce the quantity demanded.  For example, the works that are not protected by copyright will be excluded from payment, such as the great classics of literature. There will also be a distinction between los members, such as the active members – those who have made a loan in the past year – meaning that the libraries will have to be more attentive to the readers that take books home, since they are the ones that entail the payment.

The loan is what generates the copyright, due to the fact that the Royal Decree (Royal Decree 624/2014, of july 18, which enacts the authors’ remuneration right for loaning their works in certain establishments serving the public. BOE Nº 186, of august 1 2014) which regulates this situation states that the consultations ‘in situ’ (on site) will not be charged.  The rule establishes that this payment “in concept of remuneration for loan” will be made by royalty management organizations every year, during the first semester.  Its application will be effective as of January 1, 2016. 


See the whole text here:

Written by: Athena Poysky


Image: Canon EOS 5D Mark II under License Creative Commons. (CC BY-NC 2.0)

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