South Africa National Assembly passes International Arbitration Bill


Last 24 October 2017, the South African National Assembly passed the International Arbitration Bill, which incorporates the UNCITRAL Model Law into national South African legislation.

The Bill provides for the recognition and enforcement of foreign arbitral awards and repeals the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards Act 1977. Aligning national law with international arbitration procedures, it will also make it easier for foreign investors to resolve their disputes.

The next stage is for the Bill to be referred to the National Council for consideration, and if passed without amendments, it will then be submitted to the President for assent.

To see the full document (International Arbitration Bill), click on the following link:

To see the full document (UNCITRAL Model of Law of 1985 on International Commercial Arbitration), click on the following link:

Written by: The UAIPIT Team



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