
The University of Alicante and the General Foundation of the University of Alicante offer this server in order to promote public access to the information it covers. This information may be reproduced for non-commercial purposes, provided the source is acknowledged as well as the gratuitous and the non-official nature of such information.

The french flag was created by Memo-Designer

The dictionary image was created by Caleb Roenigk and it is under a Creative Commons 2.0 BY-ND.

The green books image was created by Vitualis and it is under a CreativeCommons 2.0 BY-NC-SA license.
The gavel image was created by Pragmatic and it is under a CreativeCommons 2.0 BY-NC-SA license.
The fountain pen image was created by Bowena and it is under a CreativeCommons 2.0 BY-NC license.
The newspaper image was created by Egunkaria and it is under a CreativeCommons 2.0 BY-NC-ND license.

The graduation hat image was created by Krcla and it is under a CreativeCommons 2.0 BY-ND license.

The license of the "http" image allows you to:
- Remix: to adapt the work.
- Commercial: to use this work for commercial purposes.
- Without Attribution: to use without attributing the original author.

Under the following conditions:
- Stand alone basis: you can not sell, license, sublicense, rent, transfer or distribute this image exactly as it is without alteration.
- Ownership: you may not claim ownership of this image in its original state.
- Any of the above conditions can be waived if you get permission from the contributor.
- Nothing in this license impairs or restricts the author's moral rights.

You can read the full license text



The University of Alicante and the General Foundation of the University of Alicante offer this server in order to promote public access to information concerning their activities in general. Our aim is to make up-to-date and reliable information available. For this reason, we will endeavour to rectify any mistake that the public considers appropriate to bring to our attention. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the University of Alicante and the General Foundation of the University of Alicante do not accept any responsibility regarding information made available on this Website.

This information:

Some of the documents or multimedia sequences made available in this server may include references or links to information made available by other entities. We are unable to guarantee the ownership, currency or correctness of such outside information. Similarly, we would point out that it is impossible to guarantee that the documents available on-line reproduce verbatim the officially approved texts. Accordingly, the University of Alicante and the General Foundation of the University of Alicante decline any responsibility for any problems that may arise from using this Website or any outside Website to which it provides links.

This disclaimer of liability does not attempt to circumvent requirements imposed by the national laws in force or decline liability that cannot be so declined under the aforementioned laws.

© University of Alicante 2003



Gathering of Personal Information

The Internet Portal of the University of Alicante specialized in Industrial and Intellectual Property and Information Society (“UAIPIT”), with its headquarters at the University of Alicante, Campus de Sant Vicent del Raspeig, Ap. Correus 99 – E – 03080 Alacant, hereby informs the users of its services (the “Users”) regarding its Privacy Policy for Personal Data (“Personal Data”) so that Users may freely and voluntarily determine if they wish to provide UAIPIT with the Personal Data that may be requested from them or that may be obtained from Users during the use of the services offered by UAIPIT, for inclusion in a computer file.

The creation, existence, and maintenance of said computer file is for the administration of data, with the sole goal of carrying out its functions. The information will be provided to UAIPIT and to the government entities that are legally entitled to it.

The refusal to provide any required Personal Data will result in a denial of our services. As will be explained below, Users can always exercise the rights of opposition, access, correction, and cancellation in the manner provided for under the Organic Law 15/1999, of December 13, regarding Protection of Personal Data.

Unless you explicitly state otherwise, we will deem that you accept our Privacy Policy for Personal Data, and that you give express consent to UAIPIT to handle your personal data, pursuant to the provisions of Law 15/1999, of December 13, regarding Protection of Personal Data.

Use of Personal Information

The Personal Data that is gathered will be computerized and incorporated into the corresponding computer files by UAIPIT (the “Files”). In accordance with existing law, which can be consulted directly on the web page of the Data Protection Agency of Spain (), these Files are registered in the General Registry of Data Protection. UAIPIT provides Users with sufficient technical resources so that they can gain prior access to this advisory on the Privacy Policy for Personal Data or any other relevant information and so that they can provide their consent to UAIPIT to computerize their Personal Data. Except in fields where otherwise indicated, all answers to questions about Personal Data are obligatory, because the lack of an answer reduces the quality or quantity of the corresponding service. If the User decides not to provide his/her Personal Data, UAIPIT will not be able to provide any of the offered services.

The User guarantees that all Personal Data provided to UAIPIT are true, and commits to informing UAIPIT about any modification to the same.

The gathering and computerizing of Personal Data has as its goal the maintenance of the contractual relationship, if there is one, established with UAIPIT, the administration, provision, expansion and improvement of the services that the User may decide to subscribe to, sign up for, or use, the customization of said services to the preferences and likes of the Users, the study of the use of services by Users, the design of new services related to said services, the sending of updates of services, the sending, by traditional or by electronic means, of technical, operational and commercial information about products and services offered by UAIPIT and/or by third parties, now and in the future. The gathering and computerizing of Personal Data also includes the sending of survey forms; however, the User is not obligated to answer.

Security of Personal Information

UAIPIT has adopted the legally-required levels of security for Personal Data protection, and shall endeavour to install those other means and technical methods that are within its possibilities so as to avoid the loss, improper use, alteration, unauthorized access, and theft of Personal Data provided to UAIPIT. Of course, Users must take into account that security measures on the Internet are not invincible.

Use of cookies

UAIPIT may use cookies, which are installed automatically on the User´s computer, in order to improve the services provided to Users. A cookie is simply a text file placed by the server of web pages on the hard drive of the computer of the User. Cookies cannot be used to execute programs or transmit viruses to the User´s computer, and they do not contain any kind of information about the User except and exclusively technical information that faciliates a good electronic connection with UAIPIT.

Of course, Users can at any time accept or reject cookies. Although the majority of web navegator programs accept cookies automatically, Users may set their navegators to block cookies, although Users should be aware that, at times, the deactivation of cookies can impede the proper functioning of the services provided by UAIPIT.

Provision of Data to Third Parties

Whenever Users provide their express consent, UAIPIT can provide Personal Data to third parties. When appropriate, this fact will be properly disclosed to Users on the Personal Data intake forms, together with the identification of the entity providing them and the third party´s identity, the type of activities undertaken by such third party, and the reason for the provision of the Personal Data. Users can oppose at any time any or all provisions of data mentioned above through the exercise of their rights as detailed below.

Exercise of the Rights of Access, Correction, Cancellation, and Opposition

Users have and may exercise the recognized rights of access, correction, cancellation, and opposition, as well as the right to be informed regarding the provision to third parties of their Personal Data by contacting UAIPIT. If Users so wish, they can download the Data Protection Agency´s official forms from the web site .

If the User decides at any time that UAIPIT should no longer have any of his/her Personal Data or if he/she wants to know what Personal Data UAIPIT has, or if he/she wishes to modify or delete Personal Data from the UAIPIT Database, the User can contact UAIPIT personally, at the following postal address: Departamento de Filosofía del Derecho y Derecho Internacional Privado, Universidad de Alicante, Campus de Sant Vicent del Raspeig, Ap. Correus 99 – E – 03080 Alacant, or by sending an e-mail to the following address:, or by calling 965 90 38 24 or, in any case, by sending a fax to the following number: 965 90 96 23 to the attention of UAIPIT at the Department of Philosophy of Law and International Private Law.

Compliance With This Privacy Policy for Personal Data

If Users have any question about this Privacy Policy for Personal Data, they should contact UAIPIT.

Modification of this Privacy Policy for Personal Data

UAIPIT reserves the right to modify this Privacy Policy for Personal Data to adapt it to future legislative or jurisprudential developments. In such cases, UAIPIT will provide reasonable advanced warning on this web site regarding the changes to be introduced.

Contact Information

UAIPIT invites Users to send their comments regarding this Privacy Policy for Personal Data. If Users believe that UAIPIT is not in compliance with this Privacy Policy for Personal Data, they should contact UAIPIT by post, e-mail, telephone or fax.

Departamento de Filosofía del Derecho y Derecho Internacional Privado
Universidad de Alicante
Campus de Sant Vicent del Raspeig
Ap. Correus 99 – E – 03080 Alacant
Tel.: 965 90 38 24
Fax: 965 90 96 23.

© 2003 Tous droits réservés. ® Marque Communauté déposée 2003. Université d'Alicante.

Portail juridique: sur marque, brevet , droit, infractions au code pénal , le droit , le droit international , la propriété intellectuelle , la propriété industrielle, mediation
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