Gilberto Macías Bonilla


Curriculum Vitae



Bachelor´s Degree in Law, Autonomous University of Aguascalientes, Mexico (1994-1999).

Master's Degree in Industrial and Intellectual Property and Information Society, University of Alicante, Spain (2000-2001).

Bachelor´s Degree in Law, University of Alicante, Spain (2003).


Professional Experience:

Law Offices of Avila, Cabrera and Associates, S.L., Aguascalientes, Mexico (1995-2000).

IBIDEM Consulting, Elche, Spain (2001-2002).

European Project IPR-Helpdesk, University of Alicante, Spain (2002-2003).

President of the Alumni Association of the Magister Lvcentinvs (2002-2004).

Project UAIPIT.COM, University of Alicante, Spain (2003-Today).

Project Manager of "Law in the Service of Society and Business in the Information Society".

Law Office of Clarke, Modet & Co. (2005).



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