Gesetzgebung und Regulation Bereich Suchen des nationalen, internationalen und EU-Gesetzgebung

Imagen de Legislacion

Gesetzgebung und Regulation Bereich Suchen des nationalen, internationalen und EU-Gesetzgebung


4790 Streichhölzer. Es wurden 4366 zum 4370.

ID Datum Titel Land
3584 2009-11-03 Law 13/2009, of November 3rd, amending the procedural legislation for the implementation of the new Judicial Office (new wording of Articles 955 y 956 LEC) Spanien
3586 2012-11-12 Amendments to the Regulation of the Singapore Treaty on the Law of Trademarks and the Regulations Thereunder, published in the State Official Gazette number 108, on May 4th, 2009, adopted by the Assembly in its second sessions period (1st extraordinary) in Geneva, from 22nd to 29th September, 2010 Spanien
3587 2012-11-14 Amendments to the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) adopted on the 5th October, 2011, by the International Patent Cooperation Union Assembly (PCT Union) at its forty-second sessions period (18th ordinary), hold in Geneva, from the 26th September to the 5th October, 2011, in force from the 1st July, 2012 Spanien
3588 2012-06-23 Act No. 1/2012, on June 22nd, simplifying the obligations on reports and due documentation for mergers and acquisitions and company break-ups Spanien
3608 2012-11-13 Draft Royal Decree developing Law on Mediation in Civil and Commercial Matters concerning Training, Registration and Professional Liability assurance of Mediators Spanien

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