Gesetzgebung und Regulation Bereich Suchen des nationalen, internationalen und EU-Gesetzgebung

Imagen de Legislacion

Gesetzgebung und Regulation Bereich Suchen des nationalen, internationalen und EU-Gesetzgebung


4790 Streichhölzer. Es wurden 31 zum 35.

ID Datum Titel Land
5890 2017-09-22 Decision No EX-17-6 concerning technical specifications for annexes submitted on data carriers setting out the specific media accepted as data carriers, file formats and sizes, the treatment of incomplete or illegible annexes and the consequences of non-compliance EU
5889 2017-09-18 Decision No EX-17-5 concerning the formal requirements of priority claims for registered Community designs including the relaxation of requirements for a copy of earlier filing certificate EU
5888 2017-09-18 Decision No EX-17-3 concerning the formal requirements of priority and seniority claims for EUTMs and IRs designating the EU setting out the requirements where information is available online, when documentation is required and rules on translations EU
5887 1959-06-07 Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards (New York, 1958) (the "New York Convention") International
5886 2017-09-20 Guiding principles for the Dialogue on Ireland/Northern Ireland EU

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