Veröffentlichungen Bereich: Aufsätze, Bücher und Forschungsarbeiten

Imagen de Publicaciones

Veröffentlichungen Bereich: Aufsätze, Bücher und Forschungsarbeiten


222 Streichhölzer. Es wurden 211 zum 215.

ID Datum Titel Bild
227 2012-04-27 Summary and Analysis of the Provincial Court of Appeals of Madrid, Decision No. 131/2012, April 27, 2012 (Luz v. Optomic España, S.A.)
228 2012-03-20 Summary and Analysis of the Provincial Court of Appeals of Alicante, Decision No. 132/2012, March 20, 2012 (Tom Tom International B.V. v. Borja)
229 2012-05-18 Summary and Analysis of the Catalonia High Court of Justice, Decision No. 302/2012, May 18, 2012 (Sekisui Specialty Chemicals Europe, S. v. Spanish Patent and Trademark Office)
230 2012-02-10 Summary and Analysis of the Supreme Court, Decision No. 39/2012, February 10, 2012 (Pfizer Corporation, Pfizer Limited & Pfizer, S.A. v. Laboratorios Stada, S.L.)
231 2011-11-30 Summary and Analysis of the Supreme Court, Decision No. 444/2011, June 30, 2011 (Cosmos World, S.L. v. Diesel Spa & Diesel Iberia, S.A.)

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