Valencian Government keeps its bet on criminal mediation


Despite the gradual advance in criminal mediation, Alicante Provincial Court, whose president is Vicente Magro, was a pioneering institution to implement it in 2007. Last year this Court registered an effectiveness of sixty per cent in criminal mediation issues. As a result of this success, the Official Association of Lawyers of Valencia, FAVIDE foundation, the General Council of the Judiciary, University of Valencia and Professional Association of criminologists in Valencian Community signed an agreement to introduce the mediation as pilot programme in criminal jurisdiction in Valencia.

This action plan was implemented at the end of March and twenty-three mediators have already been designated in three groups. This is a further step in an unquestionable advance of the mediation in Spain. According to the claims of these institutions, this agreement implies “the voluntary participation of a person accused of committing a criminal offence or misdemeanour   and of the victim or injured party in a dialogue process and communication conducted by an impartial mediator, in order to achieve the reparation of the damage caused and the solution of the controversy”.

The service will be confidential and free.

When the criminal issue is referred to the mediation specialists, the victim will be able to paralyse the proceeding and to return to judicial branch. This service is characterized by being free, confidential and equal between parties.

The field of application of criminal mediation.

Due to sensitive interests that are at stake in criminal mediation, this pilot programme will be focused on crimes and misdemeanours in the following areas: injuries, threats, illegal detentions, or in matters related to minors, non-compliance of visits, custody and maintenance obligations.


Written by:  Elena Gutiérrez


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