Richard A.MAC BRIDE, Executive Director
Lydia ESTEVE GONZÁLEZ, Academic Director
Athena POYSKY GRACIA. Genral Coordinator
As part Directors, of the along with UAIPIT the Annual UAIPIT Congress, website the UAIPIT users, pays Board a hommage to a distinguished IP personality by awarding him with the UAIPIT Distinction of Honour.
Manuel DESANTES REAL, Private International Law. University of Alicante. 2009 Distinction of Honour
Alberto CASADO CERVIÑO, Vicepresident of the European Patent Office (EPO). 2010 Distinction of Honour
Paul MAIER, President of the OHIM Boards of Appeal. 2011 Distinction of Honour
Jean-Michel ZILLIOX, Director of IP Practice at the European Patent Office Academy. 2012 Distinction of Honour
Ignacio DE CASTRO, Deputy Director of WIPO Arbitration and Mediation Center. 2013 Distinction of Honour
Theóphile MARGELLOS, Chairperson of the First and Third Board of Appeal of the European Union Trade mark Office (Trade marks and Designs) (EUIPO). 2014-2015 Distinction of Honour
Alejandra ROSERO MURCIA. Bachelor's Degree in Law. Database specialist. Coordinator of Legislation.
África BERTRÁN DAMIAN. Associated Lecturer on Private International Law. University of Alicante
Alberto DE LA MORENA MARQUÉS. Masters Degree on Intellectual Property Law – Magister Lvcentinvs LLM (2004)
Lydia ESTEVE GONZALEZ. Professor of Private International Law. University of Alicante. Head of the UNESCO Chair on Copyright
Carmen María GARCÍA MIRETE. Lecturer on Private International Law. University of Alicante
Manuel GUERRERO GAITÁN. Masters Degree on Intellectual Property Law – Magister Lvcentinvs LLM (2005). Professor de Intellectual Property, Copyright and IT. University Externado of Colombia
Lerdys HEREDIA SÁNCHEZ. Masters Degree on Intellectual Property Law – Magister Lvcentinvs LLM (1996). Associated Lecturer on Private International Law. University of Alicante
Raul LAFUENTE SÁNCHEZ. Associated Lecturer on Private International Law. University of Alicante
Aurelio LÓPEZ-TARRUELLA. Professor of Private International Law. University of Alicante
Richard A. MAC BRIDE. Attorney-at-Law and Mediator. MBA. PMC. Honorary Professor of Private International Law. University of Alicante
Gilberto MACÍAS BONILLA. Masters Degree on Intellectual Property Law – Magister Lvcentinvs LLM (2001). IP Lawyer
Nuria MARTÍNEZ SORIANO. Masters Degree on Intellectual Property Law – Magister Lvcentinvs LLM (2010)
Manuel MORÁN GARCÍA. Professor of Private International Law. University of Alicante
Alfonso ORTEGA GIMÉNEZ. Professor of Private International Law. Universidad Miguel Hernández, Elche
Luz SÁNCHEZ GARCÍA. Expert on Intellectual Property Law – Magister Lvcentinvs LLM (2011). PhD candidate. University of Murcia
Rodrigo RAMÍREZ HERRERA. Masters Degree on Intellectual Property Law – Magister Lvcentinvs LLM (2008). PhD candidate. University of Alicante
Dominika RYMKIEWICZ. Masters Degree on Intellectual Property Law – Magister Lvcentinvs LLM (2012). Collaborators Link
Athena POYSKY GRACIA. UAIPIT Researcher. Responsible for UAIPIT IP Dictionary
UNESCO Chair on Copyright Collaborators
Requirements to collaborate in UAIPIT
Alejandro GARCÍA MANIC. Law Student. Since 2011.
Athena POYSKY GRACIA. Law Student. UAIPIT Research Intern. UAIPIT Dictionary. Since 2010
Ana-María STANCU. Law Student. Responsible of the Eastern Europe Legislation contents. Since 2012.
Antonio TORRES FERNÁNDEZ. Law Student. Responsible for the News Section. Since 2012.
Alberto GONZÁLEZ GONZALO. Law Student. External Traineeship 2014.
Débora MARIN PANIAGUA. Law Student. External Traineeship 2014.
María Ángeles MANSO ARACIL. Law Student. External Traineeship 2014.
María POVEDA MARIN. Diploma in Tourism. Law Student. External Traineeship 2014.
Andreea OTEL. Law Student. External Traineeship 2014.
Jesús CUTILLAS. Law Student. Collaborator. Since 2013.
Elena GUTIERREZ. Law Student. External Traineeship 2014.
Esmira ABDULLAEVA. Law Student. Collaborator. 2014.
Jennifer SULEIMÁN. Law Student. Collaborator 2014.
Lida Hernández Guil. Law Student. Collaborator. 2014.
Adrián Poysky. Multimedia Engineering Student. Collaborator2014.
Li YUERAN. Specialist in Patents and Technology Transfer - Magister Lvcentinvs (2013). Deputy Director of Human Resources Department, State Intellectual Property Office, P.R.China.
Alejandra ALUJA. Student, Masters Degree on Intellectual Property Law – Magister Lvcentinvs LLM 2013-2014
Victoria BALAGUER. Student, Masters Degree on Intellectual Property Law – Magister Lvcentinvs LLM 2013-2014
Álvaro BORRACHERO. Student, Masters Degree on Intellectual Property Law – Magister Lvcentinvs LLM 2013-2014
Paola GUERRERO ANDREU. Student, Masters Degree on Intellectual Property Law – Magister Lvcentinvs LLM 2013-2014
Orsola LAMBERTI. Student, Masters Degree on Intellectual Property Law – Magister Lvcentinvs LLM 2013-2014
José Luis ORTIZ. Student, Masters Degree on Intellectual Property Law – Magister Lvcentinvs LLM 2013-2014
Rocío SIRVENT. Student, Masters Degree on Intellectual Property Law – Magister Lvcentinvs LLM 2013-2014
José Antonio ARGÜELLO ROMERO. Student, Masters Degree on Intellectual Property Law – Magister Lvcentinvs LLM 2012-2013. Counselor on International Trade
Natalia BARZILÁI. Student, Masters Degree on Intellectual Property Law – Magister Lvcentinvs LLM 2012-2013. IP Lawyer
Eduardo Ernesto BARZOLA CÓRDOBA. Student, Masters Degree on Intellectual Property Law – Magister Lvcentinvs LLM 2012-2013. IP Lawyer at INDECOPI
Aurélien BOUGEARD. Student at CEIPI Strasbourg (France). 2012-2013
Gergana DIMITROVA. Masters Degree on Intellectual Property Law – Magister Lvcentinvs LLM 2011-2012. IP Lawyer
Ana FLORES. IP&IT Lawyer
Leticia GÓMEZ FERNÁNDEZ. Student, Masters Degree on Intellectual Property Law – Magister Lvcentinvs LLM 2012-2013
Sandra Lucrecia GUERRA BATRES. Student, Masters Degree on Intellectual Property Law – Magister Lvcentinvs LLM 2012-2013. Lawyer
Xavier MARTÍ I CASTELLS. Student, Masters Degree on Intellectual Property Law – Magister Lvcentinvs LLM 2012-2013. Lawyer
Luciana DE NORONHA ANDRADE. Student, Masters Degree on Intellectual Property Law – Magister Lvcentinvs LLM 2012-2013. Lawyer
Zuzana PENIASKOVA. Student, Masters Degree on Intellectual Property Law – Magister Lvcentinvs LLM 2012-2013. EU Affairs Expert
Valentina TORELLI. Student, Masters Degree on Intellectual Property Law – Magister Lvcentinvs LLM 2012-2013. Lawyer
Eliana Vanessa VALENZUELA ARAUJO. Student, Masters Degree on Intellectual Property Law – Magister Lvcentinvs LLM 2012-2013. Lawyer and Counselor
Bianca WORBES. Student, Masters Degree on Intellectual Property Law – Magister Lvcentinvs LLM 2012-2013. Counselor on Legal Marketing and International Trade
Clara IBÁÑEZ FIORILLO. Student, Masters Degree on Intellectual Property Law – Magister Lvcentinvs LLM 2011. Lawyer
Álvaro SEIJO BAR. Lawyer
Kevon SWAN. Masters Degree on Intellectual Property Law – Magister Lvcentinvs LLM 2011. Lawyer
Nuria MARTINEZ SORIANO, Masters Degree on Intellectual Property Law – Magister Lvcentinvs LLM (2010). Former General Coordinator. IP lawyer
Alberto DE LA MORENA MARQUÉS. Masters Degree on Intellectual Property Law – Magister Lvcentinvs LLM (2004). Former External Events Coordinator. IP lawyer
Alejandra ROSERO MURCIA. Masters Degree on Intellectual Property Law – Magister Lvcentinvs LLM (2014). Former Contents Coordinator. IP lawyer
Azahara MONLLOR PÉREZ. Law Degree. University of Alicante. (2005-2010). Master in International Trade. University of Alicante. (2010 – 2011). Master in Business Administration. University Miguel Hernandez of Elche. (2014 - 2015). Former Institutional Coordination. Lawyer
Eric LUDWIG. Translator German.
Victoria BALAGUER. Translator German. Degree in Translation and Interpretation of German.
Vanesa ALEMAN. Translator English, French, German. Ph.D. c. on Legal and Economic Translation and Interpreting (University of Alicante)
Lydia FERRARO. Translator, English, German, Spanish
Sabina Pamela GALLI. Translator, Italian
Nadia HAMDINI. Translator, French
Aída MARTÍNEZ-GÓMEZ GÓMEZ. Coordinator for Practicum Students at the University of Alicante´s Master of Institutional Translation
Richard A. MAC BRIDE. Attornet-at-Law & Mediator. MBA. Certified Translator-Interpreter Spanish, English
Angel DE SILVA BOUZON. Computer Science Engineer
Raul LOPEZ GARCIA-NAVAS, Master's degree in Culture, Society and Digital Communication. Co-founder of iPhone Digital
Our goal as University Project is educating current and future IP professionals, allowing them access to advanced Ip materials, thus expandingIp knowledge thriugh research and academic activities. Feeling up to give global Solutions to global problems, UAIPIT Worldnet was created, a network made up of IP specialist coming from several Geographic areas.
North America
Richard A. MAC BRIDE. Attorney-at-Law and Mediator. USA
Central America & Caribbean
Gilberto MACÍAS BONILLA. IP Lawyer. Mexico
Néstor MORERA VÁZQUEZ. IP Lawyer. Costa Rica
South America
Mario Gustavo CARRIZO ADRIS. Lawyer. Argentina
Rafael CORTÉS LASSO. Abogado. Colombia
Ana DERPIC. Lawyer. Bolivia
Manuel GUERRERO GAITÁN. IP & IT Professor. Colombia
Andrés ORTEGA LANAS. Lawyer. Ecuador
Rodrígo RAMÍREZ HERRERA. IP Lawyer. Chile
Mónica RESTREPO RUIZ. IP Lawyer. Colombia
Eli SALIS. IP Lawyer. Argentina
Carmen María GARCÍA MIRETE. Lecturer on Private International Law. Spain
Theodoros CHIOU. IP Lawyer. France, Greece
Stefano MERICO. Lawyer. Italy
Li Yueran. Specialist in Patents and Technology Transfer. China.
Ismaël EKUAGA MUAÑACHE. Legal Officer OAPI. Equatorial Guinea
Kujo McDAVE. Legal Officer ARIPO. Zimbabwe
The UAIPIT Board of Directors would like to thank all the people, who, from the project´s very birth, have made it grow bigger in its strife to disseminate IP & IT knowledge
Carlos MONTESINOS VARELA. Law and Bussiness Administration Student. External Traineeship 2012 - 2013
Carlos AMAT VALERO. Computer Science Engineer. 2006-2007
Gonzalo BILBAO. Student collaborator. 2010-2011
Anna BOGUSLAWSKA. Student collaborator. 2010-2011
Vanessa CAMPOS GARCÍA. LLM Lawyer. 2006-2007
Rubén CASTRO. Student collaborator. 2010-2011
Amaïs CHIRCOP. Lawyer. France. 2006-2009
Álvaro DE SANTOS. Lawyer. 2010-2011
Mark FRITZCHE. Student collaborator. 2004-2009
Gemma GINER. Student collaborator. 2011-2012
Matthias HELLMUND. Student collaborator. 2010-2011
Christian JACOB. Translator. 2004-2009
Malgorzata KRUPA. Student collaborator. 2010-2011
Mats MEYER. Student collaborator. 2010-2011
Michael MÜELLER. Student collaborator. 2004-2009
Adriana Paola PEÑARANDA URBINA. Student collaborator. 2010-2011
Verónica PÉREZ AULADELL. Student collaborator. 2008-2009
Alejandro POVEDA. Student collaborator. 2010-2011
Agnieszka PRZYGODA. Student collaborator. 2010-2011
Mayte RICHTER. Student collaborator. 2005-2006
Iván NICOLÁS SAN MARTÍN. UAIPIT tech development. 2002-2007
Ruta ZMEJAUSKAITE. PhD Candidate collaborator. 2009-2010
Borja ALCARAZ RIAÑO. Masters Degree on EU Studies. 2012
Julia LÓPEZ RICO. Law Student. External Traineeship 2014.
Carlos VERA TORDERA. Law Student. External Traineeship 2014.
Carolina TAPIA MILÁN. Law Student. Collaborator 2013.
Charlotte PIETSCH. Law Erasmus LLL Exchange Student. Since 2011.
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