Gesetzgebung und Regulation Bereich Suchen des nationalen, internationalen und EU-Gesetzgebung

Imagen de Legislacion

Gesetzgebung und Regulation Bereich Suchen des nationalen, internationalen und EU-Gesetzgebung


4790 Streichhölzer. Es wurden 26 zum 30.

ID Datum Titel Land
5895 2004-07-13 General Law No. 200-04 on Free Access to Public Information Dom. Republik
5894 2007-01-16 Law No. 42-08 on Defense of Competition Dom. Republik
5893 2010-07-22 Law No. 108-10 on the Promotion of the Film Industry in the Dominican Republic Dom. Republik
5892 2010-11-15 Law No. 257-10 on the Amendments to Law No. 108-10 on the Promotion of the Film Industry in the Dominican Republic Dom. Republik
5891 2017-09-18 Decision No EX-17-7 concerning methods of payment of fees and charges covering issues such as the priority of administrative charges over other fees, lack of funds, the minimum amount to open an account, ‘insignificant amounts’ for refunds, the misuse of accounts and payments by credit/debit cards and current accounts EU

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