Google News Spain to be closed due to new section 32.2


Google link aggregation service to contents published by the mass media, which was launched in 2002, will exclude those redirecting to Spanish media starting from 16th December.

In Spanish language, the expression “por el artículo 33” (“due to section 33”) means that something “is mandatory without justification”. As a consequence of the approval of section 32.2 of the Spanish New Intellectual Property Law, Google has decided to close its link aggregation service “Google News Spain”.

During the drafting and discussion of the new LPI, not without controversy, a fee or compensation (“AEDE fee” or “Google tax”) in favour of the traditional mass media was established, being the link aggregators service providers obliged to pay it. The fee will be managed by copyright entities and the recipient may not waiver the fee either.

As a consequence, responsibles of Google News “warned” about the possibility of closing the service offered in Spain, warning which will be finally effective from next 16th December (a fortnight before of the enforcement of the new Intellectual Property Law).

However, it must be taken into consideration the repercussion of both the measure adopted by the Spanish Legislative Commission and by Google: there is no discussion about the fact that the Spanish Government is trying to protect Copyright and related rights, and to avoid that link aggregating service providers may get any profit at the expense of editorial works, but Google offers a free service, which does not perceive any incomes from advertisements or end-users.

On the contrary, the withdrawal of Google News from Spain may mean a reduction of visits to the media webpages, and even a restriction to freedom of information and the simplification and time-saving on the access to it. Therefore, is necessary to remember that the Spanish Commission of Competition warned about the fact that “Google tax” is a barrier to entry the link aggregation market.

It will be a matter of time to be aware of the consequences of these decisions. It is worth commenting that, given similar measures implemented in several European countries, the Searcher has agreed with the respective governments alternative measures to continue providing this service.

Written by: Azahara Monllor


Image: Tomas de Aquino. Bajo licencia creative commons (CC BY 2.0)

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