Sara Martínez Cadenillas
Curriculum Vitae
Bachelor´s Degree in Law, Catholic University of Peru. Lima- Peru (1992-1998).
Master´s Degree in Industrial and Intellectual Property and Information Society. University of Alicante, Spain 2002 - 2003.
Professional Experience:
Project UAIPIT.COM, University of Alicante, Spain (2004 - currently).
Office for Harmonization in the Internal Market (Trade marks and Designs) – OHIM. Alicante, Spain (2004).
Marks & Clerk – Patents, Trade Marks, Designs & Copyright Attorneys. Alicante, Spain (2003).
The National Institute for the Defense of Competition and Intellectual Property – INDECOPI. Lima, Peru (1997-2002).
Law Office “Aníbal Quiroga Abogados”. Lima, Peru (1996-1997).
Manejo Empresarial S.A. Lima, Peru (1996).