Legislation and Regulation Section Searches of National, International and European Union Legislation

Imagen de Legislacion

Legislation and Regulation Section Searches of National, International and European Union Legislation

Search Result

4792 Matches . Records show 16 at the 20.

ID Date Title Country
20 2001-11-26 Royal Decree on the creation of the Internet Rights Observatory. Belgium
21 2004-06-05 Royal Decree that Determine the Regimen of the Consult and Rectification Rights of the Electronic Datas written in the Identity Document and the Information captured in the Population Register or in the National Persons Register. Belgium
22 2002-01-23 E-Government Act of 2002. USA
23 1992-05-26 Law Regulating the Use and Receipt of Signals Via Satellite and their Distribution by Cable, of 26 May 1992 Guatemala
24 1966-03-10 Law on Radio Communications (1980). Guatemala

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