Legislation and Regulation Section Searches of National, International and European Union Legislation

Imagen de Legislacion

Legislation and Regulation Section Searches of National, International and European Union Legislation

Search Result

4792 Matches . Records show 4386 at the 4390.

ID Date Title Country
5501 2004-04-01 Act (2004:160) Amending the Act on the Protection of Plant Breeders\' Rights (1997:306) Sweden
5502 1997-05-29 Act on Plant Breeders\' Rights (1997:306) Sweden
5503 1975-03-20 Federal Act of March 20, 1975 on the Protection of New Plant Varieties (status as of January 1, 2011) Switzerland
5504 1999-11-14 Plant Varieties Protection Act B.E. 2542 (1999) Thailand
5505 2010-12-29 Law of the Republic of Tajikistan on Plant Variety Protection Tajikistan

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