Legislation and Regulation Section Searches of National, International and European Union Legislation

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Legislation and Regulation Section Searches of National, International and European Union Legislation

Search Result

4792 Matches . Records show 4416 at the 4420.

ID Date Title Country
4025 2010-12-06 Regulation on the Implementation of the Industrial Design Law Germany
3875 2010-12-10 Regulation on the Procedure for the Grant of Trademarks Bosnia and Herzegovina
4011 2010-12-10 Plant Variety Protection Law (as amended up to December 12, 2010) Germany
3297 2010-12-14 Proposal for a Regulation of The European Parliament and of The Council on Jurisdiction and The Recognition and Enforcement of Judgments in Civil and Commercial Matters EU
4248 2010-12-16 Organic Code for Production, Trade, and Investment Ecuador

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