Legislation and Regulation Section Searches of National, International and European Union Legislation

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Legislation and Regulation Section Searches of National, International and European Union Legislation

Search Result

4792 Matches . Records show 4741 at the 4745.

ID Date Title Country
3620 2010-08-18 Law No. 10-05 of 5 Ramadan 1431 corresponding to August 15, 2010 amending and supplementing Ordinance No. 03-03 of 19 Jumada EL Oula 1424 corresponding to July 19, 2003 on Competition Algeria
3621 2008-07-02 Law No. 08-12 of 21 Jumada Ethania 1429 corresponding to June 25, 2008 amending and completing the Ordinance No. 03-03 of 19 Joumada El Oula 1424 corresponding to July 19, 2003 on Competition Algeria
3622 1966-06-08 Penal Code (promulgated by Order No. 66-156 of 18 Safar 1386 corresponding to June 8, 1966) Algeria
3623 2003-07-20 Ordinance No. 03-03 of 19 Jumada I 1424 corresponding to July 19, 2003 on Competition Algeria
3624 1966-05-03 Order No. 66-86 of April 28, 1966 relating to Designs Algeria

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