Legislation and Regulation Section Searches of National, International and European Union Legislation

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Legislation and Regulation Section Searches of National, International and European Union Legislation

Search Result

4792 Matches . Records show 46 at the 50.

ID Date Title Country
5709 2016-11-26 Geographical Indications (Wine and Spirits) Registration Amendment Act 2015 New Zeland
5722 2016-11-21 Patents (Trans-Tasman Patent Attorneys and Other Matters) Amendment Act 2016 New Zeland
5879 2016-10-28 Law No. 230 of September 23, 2016, on Amendments and Additions to Certain Laws Moldova
5754 2016-10-22 Collective management of copyright and related rights Act Slovenia
5710 2016-09-01 Act (2016:375) Amending the Act (2016:228) Amending the Trademarks Act (2010: 1877) Sweden

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