Publications Section

Imagen de Publicaciones

Publications Section

Search Result

222 Matches . Records show 1 at the 5.

ID Date Title Image
163 1993-07-19 Summary and Analysis of the Supreme Court Decision No 4427/1993, July 19, 1993
15 1995-01-01 Original title: "The rights of well-known tobacco trademarks versus the proposal for a community directive for absolute prohibition of their publicity", UAIPIT, publications section, January 01, 1995,
18 1995-01-01 Original title: "The problem of the protection of replacement parts or accessories for automobiles", UAIPIT, publications section, January 01, 1995,
20 1995-01-01 Original title: "Provisions related to the protection of appelations of origin in the ADPIC and the reform of community law on trademark as a result of such provisions", UAIPIT, publications section, January 01, 1995,
21 1995-01-01 Original title: "Pharmaceutical products: What perspectives are opening up?", UAIPIT, publications section, January 01, 1995,

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