Legislation and Regulation Section Searches of National, International and European Union Legislation

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Legislation and Regulation Section Searches of National, International and European Union Legislation

Search Result

4792 Matches . Records show 41 at the 45.

ID Date Title Country
5710 2016-09-01 Act (2016:375) Amending the Act (2016:228) Amending the Trademarks Act (2010: 1877) Sweden
200 2002-02-21 Act 1/2002, regarding Co-ordination of the State and Autonomous Communities Competences on Competition Defence. Spain
201 2002-02-21 Act 1/2002, regarding Co-ordination of the State and Autonomous Communities Competences on Competition Defence. Spain
340 2002-02-21 Act 1/2002, regarding Co-ordination of the State and Autonomous Communities\' Competences on Competition Defense. Spain
341 2002-02-21 Act 1/2002, regarding Co-ordination of the State and Autonomous Communities\' Competences on Competition Defense. Spain

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