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UAIPIT News section


News 2013

The liberalisation of Internet extensions
Public consultation about Copyright in the EU
Aprobado el Real Decreto que desarrolla la Ley de Mediación en asuntos civiles y mercantiles (nota de prensa Ministerio de Justicia)
Kit Kat defeated in South Africa
Éxito en el V Congreso Internacional UAIPIT
Éxito en el V Congreso Internacional UAIPIT
La mediación internacional en propiedad intelectual centrará el V Congreso UAIPIT de la Universidad de Alicante
La mediación internacional en propiedad intelectual centrará el V Congreso UAIPIT de la Universidad de Alicante
New antifungal composition patented by the University of Alicante
SPTO signs PPH Agreement with the State Intellectual Property Office of the People's Republic of China (SIPO)
Google Books sued again
Specialized Course in Cross-border Civil, Merchant and Intercultural Mediation
Specialized Course in Cross-border Civil, Merchant and Intercultural Mediation
PIPCU: The new UK Police Intellectual Property Crime Unit
The civil, commercial and transnational mediation in Spain and the Community of Valencia: Definitive implementation ways
VIII Conference of the Community Trade Mark Court
The musical platform Spotify sued by the record company “Ministry of Sound” for an eventual IP infringement
Master Conference by Mr. Casado Cerviño, Vice-President of the European Patent Office
A small victory for online privacy
Creation of a new category of a crime in the area of IP
Nintendo faces lawsuit over IP infringement
Another dispute over Google AdWords: "Interflora v. Marks & Spencer"  and the new "Google AdWords trademark policy
New Treaty ensures equal access to books for the visually impaired
Colombia studies the registration of gestural trade marks
Youtube and EGEDA agree on the protection of copyright
New measures against counterfeiting and piracy reach the European Parliament
The Right to Oblivion on the Internet
The Patentability of Human Genes
Obama´s Project against Patent Trolls
Apple might be sanctioned by the European Commission
The Orphan Works' Odissey
ELSA Alicante is now a reality
The University Autonoma of Barcelona has to pay for copyright infringement
Who is next? India joins the Madrid Protocol
3D Printers and Intellectual Property
Successful Opening of the Specialised Course “Mediation in Multicultural Contexts”
Successful Opening of the Specialised Course “Mediation in Multicultural Contexts”
April 26, World Intellectual Property Day
Hands-free augmented reality
Transnational IP Seminar 2013
The EUCJ endorses the European Unitary Patent
Proposal of the trade mark system reform
Designing Dotted Lines
10 Years Community Design
Spanish Government passes a bill amending the Intellectual Property Law
The Spanish Government wants to reform the Intellectual Property Act to increase efficiency
Eli Lilly v. Canada
AMAZON, The first store of used digital goods?
The WTO and the LDCs
Obama anticipates Reforms at the America Invents Act to fight Patent Trolls
Signing of the Unified Patent Court Agreement
National Treatment and Most Favoured Nation Treatment in Maastricht
UAIPIT and the Externado University of Colombia signed a Cooperation Agreement
Bimbo vs. Bimbo
Louis Vuitton v. Warner Bros.
Vileda wins “mop war” to Spontex
EU seeks to limit use of data by Internet companies
A first approximation to the "bundle of patents"

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